公司正值用人之际,凡是被招聘进来的员工,只要踏踏实实做人,认认真真做事,拿出自己的本事,为公司谋取利益,不做损害公司利益的事情,严格遵守公司的各项规章制度,严格执行公司下达的各项任务,并且可以出色的完成,公司定会慧眼识人,给予其最大的平台,让有志气的人充分发挥其才能!sun darling jewelry ltd.was established in 2006,is a jewelry manufacturer,exporter and wholesaler.it can handle the plete cycle in-house from product development,design and model making to manufacturing.with the state of art technology and the vast production capacity.
product range of asiatic youth ltd.ingcludes karat gold,silver and platinum jewelry set with diamond,precious stone,semi-precious stone and cultured pearl.the clients are worldwide-based and mainly from the usa,canada,europe and japan.
sun darling ltd.have professional jewelry technician over 20 years.we can provide all different kinds of jewelry and provide a reasonable pric